Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


Table de lecture des paysages

Informations directionnelles

Continuer sur la bande enherbée entre les deux champs pour rejoindre la route de Wy. Prendre à droite, redescendre la rue, puis, prendre la première à droite, rue au coq. A l’intersection, prendre à gauche, puis la 1ère à gauche avant la mairie. Suivre la sente sur la gauche puis aller jusqu’au carrefour (qui se trouve sur la gauche), puis prendre à droite, la D159 sur environ 100 mètres. Emprunter le 1er chemin à gauche en direction de l’ancienne gare.

Prochain point : Ancienne gare

Prochain point : lat="49.10206208531486" lon="1.8312688502971497"




The oldest mentions of the name of the village appeared in the 8th century with the latin terms Vicus and Viculus, meaning “village” or “town”. Legend has it that King Henry the 4th of France, passing through the village on a hunting trip, exclaimed “Le joli village!” (“The pretty village!”), hence its current name Wy-dit-Joli-Village.
The town centre has retained the same concentric structure over time. It still has several paths that follow ancient rural trails. There are two hamlets a fair distance from the town: Enfer, with 80 residences and a large farm and Hazeville, a tiny hamlet with a chateau and an old seigneurial farm.

Hills, valleys and plains

The village is built on the slightly sloping plain between the hills of Arthies and the Aubette de Meulan valley. The rest of the town is located on the agricultural plain. These three major geographical formations each have their own specific geological layers.
The slopes of the Arthies hills and the Aubette valley offer easy access to the marlstones and limestones used to build many of the houses in the village. A soft limestone quarry was apparently used to build the school in 1870. Up until the beginning of the 20th century, these slopes were also home to grape vines and orchards. The soil is clay-rich in places, such as the hamlet “Les Glaises”. Due to these soils, signifiant quantities of tiles were produced at the hamlet “La Tuilerie”. A large tile factory stood near the Hazeville woods up until 1833.



An agricultural landscape

The landscape is marked by large-scale crop growing, particularly cereals, and the various kinds of built heritage related to this activity. The Vexin français has several different types of farms, isolated farms, plateau farms, town farms and small-scale farms. These farms shape the landscape with their outward appearance, their imposing buildings and sometimes monumental entryways, consisting of carriage gates, pedestrian doors and entrance porches. In the 18th and 19th centuries, a large farm would cover around 25 hectares, while now large farms take up several hundred hectares. Today there are four operational farms in the commune.

by Expression Nomade