Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


Les croix

Informations directionnelles

Revenir vers le centre bourg. A l’intersection, prendre à gauche, laisser l’église sur votre gauche, continuer tout droit et prendre, un peu sur la droite, la sente à Manon. Au croisement, prendre à gauche, puis à droite. Traverser, longer le bord de la routejusqu’au lavoir(à gauche).

Prochain point : Lavoir et Fontaine Saint-Romain

Prochain point : lat="49.10513228619362" lon="1.839140180391312"

Religious and commemorative crosses...



Numerous archeological digs...

Most of the crosses in the villages are related to the Catholic faith. The cemetery cross represents divine protection. It was built in 1899 at the time of the transfer from the old cemetery, once located around the church. It is a stone cross, mounted on a three-step base and high rectangular pedestal decorated with mouldings.
The cross in front of the church stands on the original cemetery site. It dates from the 16th century. Its two faces are decorated with representations of the Madonna with child and Christ respectively. This cross was classed as a historical monument on January 13, 1946. No doubt a later addition, the initials of the Latin phrase Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum -“INRI”, meaning “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews”, are inscribed on the cross, symbolising the Passion of Christ. The same inscription is present on the wrought iron cross located at the edge of the Hazeville estate.
The “Lenoir” cross is mounted on the facade of a former cafe in the village centre. It was erected in 1983 by Mr Coeffier, a stone mason in Gouzangrez, to replace the old cross, of which the only column and arms remain. It was modelled after 19th century Vexin crosses, with five pointed stars on the ends of its arms.



…and boundary crosses

Other crosses were built on the sides of roads and at crossroads in the countryside and in the streets and squares of villages. The “Bouillette”, “Cardot”, “Foulon” and “de Charmont” crosses were used as landmarks, or to mark the boundaries of different properties and jurisdictions. The Foulon cross, which stood at the exit from Enfer in the direction of the village and the Charmont cross on Route de Banthelu have since disappeared.



by Expression Nomade