Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


L’Aubette de Meulan

Informations directionnelles

Continuer sur la rue du moulin brûlé, puis prendre à droite la rue de la Marèche, la continuer tout droit dans la montée. Sur votre gauche vous apercevrez le lavoir des Petites Fontaines (4).

Prochain point :

Lavoir des petites fontaines

Prochain point : lat="49.023766" lon="1.923357"

Aubette de Meulan
Weaving through a varied landscape



Its winding course…

The little village of Tessancourt-sur-Aubette is crossed by the Aubette de Meulan which rises in Avernes. This 14.3 km long river winds from the northeast to the southwest, past Théméricourt, Vigny, Longuesse, Sagy, Condécourt, Tessancourt and Meulan. It circulates through the village in an orderly way but its flow increases with the water from the Gaillon-sur-Montcient plateau. Its journey between Tessancourt and Meulan was modified to form waterfalls to drive the mills. After crossing Villette woods, it cascades down the hill to the old mill near what is now "Aubette farm".

It flows through valleys, woods, agricultural landscapes and urban areas and finally into the Seine at Meulan.



...altered to drive mills

Along the course of the Aubette, there were once no less than fifteen mills: more than one mill per kilometer. At that time they were the lifeblood of the valley.

A regulation introduced on 30 October 1852, made water management and the maintenance of the banks the responsibility of the owners of the mills and land on the banks of the river, namely by mowing, cleaning, pruning, and clearing brooks.





by Expression Nomade