Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


Lavoir du moulin brûlé

Informations directionnelles

Continuer la rue du Moulin brûlé pour arriver jusqu'à l’Aubette (3).

Prochain point :

L’Aubette de Meulan

Prochain point : lat="49.024533" lon="1.921094"

Lavoir du moulin brûlé (Burnt mill washhouse)
Probably near a former mill driven by the Aubette



A working unit...

Built in the late nineteenth century, this ensemble comprises the washhouse, a fountain and a trough of rough stones. A constant supply of water flows into the fountain from a spring. It then flows into a reservoir with an iron grid. It passes through a covered concrete system and on to the washhouse and trough below.

"This spring used to pass through the courtyard of the café and grocery on the corner of chemin de la Cavée and rue de Condécourt. It supplied a private washhouse and was consumed as drinking water by the customers, particularly to top up their glasses of anisette", says a resident of Tessancourt-sur-Aubette.

The washhouse is closed on two sides and protected by a corrugated iron roof, resting on round metal pillars. Its two pools of different sizes are separated by a single cement wall and lined with washing tiles. The large pool was used for washing and the small one (called “the bastard”), for rinsing.



... And a strategic spot

This grassy area was probably a nice spot to have lunch during the big washing days, when the chatter matched the rhythm of the beaters, exchanging gossip and news. It was a place for families to come for a walk; the trough was used to chill the drinks that were shared around as well as to water the oxen and horses.





by Expression Nomade