Prochain point : lat="49.045422" lon="1.811914"

Moving the cemetery in 1855: an important event
A new relationship with the dead…
Since the Middle Ages, burials traditionally took place in the church or in the sacred area around it. So the cemetery was at the heart of village life and surrounded by houses. The retaining wall around the church demarcated the confines of the old cemetery. This situation changed in the eighteenth century with hygiene theories about air circulation. In the nineteenth century, the Royal Order of 6 December 1843 required rural municipalities to move the cemetery outside the village for reasons of public health and insufficient space, linked to population growth. Sailly cemetery was moved in 1855.
... Leading to a rich funerary heritage
The decree of June 12, 1804 introduced laws about the mode of burial. This led to the provision of individual graves and funeral chapels or family tombs, like that of the Crux family by the northwest wall. This imposing, rectangular 19th century family grave is unusual for Vexin in terms of its size and decoration. A low wall surrounds a majestic cross surmounting a grave, whose base bears the inscription "famille de Crux." In the background there are ten flat, vertical, Gothic-style stelae, mounted with crosses.