Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


Lavoir de la Mathurine

Informations directionnelles

Revenir sur le chemin et le descendre jusqu’en bas. Tourner à gauche pour rejoindre la mairie, puis emprunter l’escalier situé à sa gauche, à l’extrémité d’un bâtiment. En haut, tourner à droite pour rejoindre et traverser le lavoir de Gournay.

Prochain point :

Lavoir de Gournay

Prochain point : lat="49.02867" lon="1.852751"

Mathurine Lavoir

This lavoir, located at the foot of rue de l'église, dates back to the end of the 19th century.



A sole basin...

This lavoir, or wash house, has a roof held up by wooden pillars, able to capture rain water. The roofing is therefore called the compluvium.  The basin where the water is captured is called the impluvium. This kind of basin usually has a semi-circular, or rectangular shape, as is the case here. It is closed on three sides and has a single basin with washing stones on each side.



… with multiple uses

On the outskirts of the lavoir is an ancient watering hole, it was once used as a pool and fishing pond. At one time, both belonged to the estate of the first chateau of Oinville-sur-Montcient. The town also bears traces of individual lavoirs, located on the banks of the river.





by Expression Nomade