Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


Mairie, Parking

Informations directionnelles

En sortant du porche de l’hôtel de ville, emprunter à gauche la rue Jean-Jaurès, puis à droite la rue André-Baleydier. Après le stop se trouve à droite l’ancienne gare de Marines.

Prochain point :

Gare de Marines

Prochain point : lat="49.145083" lon="1.982917"

Marines town hall
The first public building built in Marines, in the mid nineteenth century



From a monarchy to a republic...

Marines was a town of average importance in the eighteenth century, but it rapidly developed after the Revolution to become the capital of the canton. Successive municipalities had to adapt, like elsewhere, to the different regimes: monarchical, republican and imperial...

It was not until 1845 that the town finally had the means to set up a town hall/school worthy of the name, under the administration of Athanasius Gouy d’Arsy. The building also housed the justice of the peace and even lodgings for the teacher. This cohabitation was short-lived, however. With the rapidly growing population the boys’ class became too small and ten years later a new school had to be built.

The square in front of the town hall and church is the site of the old cemetery, which was relocated away from the dwellings in 1832 for sanitary reasons. Still standing there is the monument to Admiral Peyron, who was born in Marines and whose family gave the town two of its mayors.



... Via the Empire

During the 1848 Revolution a rumour spread in Marines that rioters were planning to set fire to the new town hall. The Prefect promptly sent in a detachment from Pontoise to mount the guard but fortunately nothing happened!





by Expression Nomade