Sentiers du Patrimoine ®



Informations directionnelles

Dos au lavoir, prendre à gauche dans la rue des bouillons, puis, bifurquer à gauche dans le sentier des Gâts. Au bout du sentier, prendre à droite. Traverser la route de Vaux puis aller tout droit et prendre le premier chemin sur la droite. Celui amène sur la rue d’Adhémar, prendre à gauche. Un peu plus loin sur la gauche, passer devant d’anciennes maisons de vignerons.

Prochain point :

Maisons de vignerons/vigne

Prochain point : lat="49.01407" lon="1.947044"

The wash house
Water management, a vital resource



Heritage linked to water...

There are many springs in the commune's territory. In 1820, there were 12 ponds and springs; today, however, most of the ponds have disappeared and only the one in the Hautil Wood still remains. Only three public water fountains remain along the Rue d'Adhémar: one in front of the church, one at the corner of Impasse du Val and the third at the corner of the Bourdins Track. The commune also has an underground water tank, accessible via a staircase and a circular, brick water tower. As drilling and water treatment techniques became more sophisticated, it became possible to tap directly into the water table and the work to install a public water supply, undertaken between 1912 and 1938, made all of these little pieces of water-connected heritage obsolete.



...including a wash house on two levels

When it was built in 1767, this wash house had only one tank. The second tank was added in 1880, taking advantage of the sloping terrain. The upstream tank, where the washing was rinsed in clean water, is protected by a roof with an impluvium (two slopes that channel rainwater straight into the tank) supported by two cast iron posts. The structure and the roof of the downstream tank, where the washing was washed, have disappeared. A high wall of plastered gritstone rubble encircles the ensemble. This type of two-level wash house is an exception in the Vexin region. It was fully restored in 2014 in partnership with the French Vexin Regional Nature Park. The water at the wash house was drinkable until the 1950s. Aware of the need to protect its water resources, Evecquemont discontinued the use of all phytosanitary products in 2011.





by Expression Nomade